The Earth’s Layers
Climate change is a topic that has been heavily researched and debated for more than ten years. In part because of our current global climate initiatives, STEM has become increasingly important for the development of future scientists and environmental specialists. In order to develop STEM in young students, it is important that students begin learning about scientific inquiry early in their educational lives. It is equally important that they begin this process by investigating their own planet. As this unit was developed for 2nd grade students, it will be an investigative hands-on unit. In this unit students will investigate their planet by focusing on the Earth’s layers. They will learn the elements that comprise each layer, they will then find out whether or not we interact with each layer and why or why not. Then students will learn how our interaction with the earth has affected its overall health by investigating climate change and global warming. Lastly, the students will create a sustainability project where they will propose ways that students, even young students like them; can improve the health of our planet.
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