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Linking Cultures and History During Colonial Pennsylvania

Social studies is an integral part of the fourth grade curriculum.  The study of Social Studies includes History, Geography, Civics, Government and Economics.  Units are theme based with current events incorporated in it.  Fourth grade students in Pennsylvania are required to learn about Pennsylvania History.  Often in history textbooks, students learn about key people that influence a particular moment in time.  Biographies can introduce students to a whole new world of historical figures and different eras.  Studying biographies can also inspire students as they read about people who overcame problems, faced obstacles and criticism, but persevered to succeed.  This curriculum unit will focus on the biographical information of William Penn in early Pennsylvania History.  William Penn encountered various cultures during the cultivation of Pennsylvania.  People, places, things and events will be linked together from this time period to give a brief historical account of how Pennsylvania began.  Students will be able to read and analyze the biographical accounts of William Penn and in the end create a timeline of how Pennsylvania began.  Students will complete various activities that will demonstrate understanding of how William Penn, various cultures, groups and organizations impacted the history and development of Pennsylvania. 

Karen J. Burrell
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