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Obesity in the Middle School: An Active Plan

After taking an informal survey of middle school students, it appears that there is great interest in weight and health issues. Therefore, the unit will focus on obesity. It is not enough to just give students information and expect them to know what to do to change their situations. That is why it is important for the students who have a BMI at or above the 90th percentile to have a place to go and discuss the problems they are facing with weight gain and where they can go for support. Middle school students are at a pivotal point in their life; this is a time when they can choose to make a difference in their future. Keeping the number of students small will allow for intimate discussions and community building. The objective of this unit is to have students increase their awareness of their nutritional choices. Students will learn about the risks associated with obesity, and the long-term effects it can have on their lives. When students complete this unit they will have a firm understanding of appropriate portion size, and fat intake. Students will learn how to reduce their daily caloric intake, and how to measure the calories they burn in a day. They will have a firm understanding of the food pyramid and how it relates to their lives. Students will leave the class having the skills to take charge of their eating.

Megan Wapner
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