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Robotics: Creating the Limitless Potential of Nanotechnology


My curriculum is based on the enhancement of STEM Education and in particular, the fields of robotics and nanotechnology.  STEM education is growing in demand all over the country with a renewed focus being given to the proper strategies used to reach proficiency in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).

I hope to accomplish many things with this unit, but none more important than creating a general awareness of the potential in the robotics and nanotechnology industry. Increasing their awareness should lead to an increase of their overall proficiency in the fields of STEM. The goal is that, eventually, they will use what they will have learned and expand on their understanding of STEM by exploring those fields outside of this unit. If executed correctly, the activities and background knowledge provided in this unit should galvanize my student’s appreciation for STEM education by emphasizing the major role that robotics and nanotechnology will play in our future.

Troy J. Holiday
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