Un Destello de la Literatura y el Arte de Norteamerica
UN DESTELLO DE LA LITERATURA Y EL ARTE DE NORTEAMERICA is a collection of eight lessons written for Level II students of Spanish with English translations. It aims in part at associating some of the themes presented in texts with those illustrated in ‘art’. It attempts to “paint a portrait” of potent American writers and artists between the years 1840-1940, with the main thrust being to illuminate shared themes: War, Slavery, Women and Men.
Some of the issues of American culture: as illustrated in texts by writers are seen to be also articulated by artists in their paintings, plays, music, choreography, sculpture et al, finding resonance in the contemporary American World. There is common ground noted in the interpretation of American sentiments through the use of a variety of text and various ‘art media’. The unit can be taught over a period of sixteen to twenty-four days either consecutively or at intervals allocating approximately two or more days for each lesson.
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