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Teacher Representatives

Teacher Representatives serve as TIP's steering committee, working with TIP's director to provide important guidance and input. They promote the program, recruit participants, process applications, and serve as a liaison between TIP and their respective schools. For more information about the Teachers Institute of Philadelphia, please feel free to contact the representative in your school, or contact TIP at 215-746-6176 or

Teachersort descending School
Bonnee Bentum Science Leadership Academy @ Beeber
Cara Wallin Shawmont Elementary School
Cristobal Carambo Philadelphia High School for Girls
Eual Phillips Hill-Freedman World Academy
Joyce Arnosky Penn Alexander School
Kathleen Radebaugh Lea School
Keysiah Middleton Bartram High School
Klint Kanopka Academy at Palumbo High School
Meagan Rubino School of the Future
Nicole Flores Mitchell Elementary School
Stacia Parker McKinley School
Sydney Coffin Edison/Fareira High School
Tara Ann Carter George Washington Carver High School of Engineering and Science
Wendi Umoren Tilden Middle School